Holiday Album Commemorative Box Set
Cast members from all 7 seasons of The 'All New' Mickey Mouse Club are reuniting for the first ever Holiday album!
A portion of the proceeds will support families of fallen frontline healthcare workers due to the COVID-19 pandemic, and the mission of United Nations Foundation that promotes the Global Goals for a better world by 2030.
By pre-ording today, you'll get our Special Commomerative Box Set days ahead of the album's offical release date of November 27, 2020 (Black Friday). There's only a limited amount available, so be sure to order today!
Commemorative MMC Album Box Set includes:
- CD with special artwork and liner notes
- Digital Download of complete album
- Digital Downloads of exclusive videos
- Exclusive, autographed merchandise & memorabilia
- An Always In The Club Membership giving you FREE access to many of our planned live and virtual events.
The Box Set will be delivered to your home ahead of its release date of November 27th.
No refunds or returns. If your product arrives damaged, contact us at and we'll work with you to find a solution.
We'll ship you the box set to the address you provide us.